Sales Tracking

See accurate product sales of any Shopify store.

Sales Tracking

Sales Tracking Demo

It is now possible to see the figures behind competitors

Track any Shopify store's product-level and store-level sales insights. Uncover your competitor's daily and hourly orders and revenue.

Stay ahead of the competition

Imagine the power of knowing exactly what products are selling, how many are selling, and when they are selling. Analyzing these valuable insights allows you to take advantage of the best opportunities before anyone else.

Uncover competitor's top selling products

Find out your competitor's current best sellers, verified by their latest sales data.

Get accurate daily and hourly sales data

We've tested our data with hundreds of stores and the error margin was less than 5% for almost all stores.

View historical data

You can view past sales data for products and stores that have been tracked by you or others for as long as they have been tracked.

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